Radio Evangelism in Action

A Discussion of Plans, Methods, and Objectives.

By BEAMAN T. SENECAL, Evangelist, Wichita, Kansas

By B. M. HEALD, Pastor, Staten Island Church, New York

Bible Correspondence Course Successful

Bible Auditorium of the Air is the chain name that F. W. Detamore, of Kansas City, L. H. Lindbeck, of St. Louis, and I have been using for about a year over three radio stations in Missouri and Kansas. Elder Detamore used this name for six years in St. Louis and Kansas City and/ built up a large listening, audience; so Elder Lindbeck and I were glad to join him in using the same name in forming a small chain of broadcasts. We have found that this gives the people confidence in our radio work, for they see that it is carried on in a widespread, unified way. We try in every way to promote one another's work, and list one another's broadcasts on our stationery and other advertising. R. M. Whitsett, of Oklahoma City, and A. E. Lickey, of New York City, are now joining the Bible Audi­torium of the Air chain.

The Bible study correspondence course is the most effective feature of our radio program. We cannot discuss the testing truths of our faith over the air, as these are considered con­troversial. But through this free Bible study correspondence course, offered from our three stations, between four and five thousand fami­lies are studying the Community Bible School Lessons in their own homes. We have more than thirteen hundred local enrollees, and are receiving more than a hundred new enrollments a week.

In Wichita we get the enrollments in four ways: (1) Announcing the free Bible study correspondence course during the fifteen-min­ute weekly radio broadcast, (2) working from house to house and systematically covering the city, (3) circularizing, by mail, all apartment houses and rural routes in the county with folded detachable business-reply cards, (4) passing cards to church members on which they may enroll friends and neighbors.

We have just begun our promotion work, and it looks as though we might have several thousand enrolled from the trade area of Wichita within a few weeks. In some parts of the city which have been already covered, we have as many as ten enrollments to a block.

I found the test questions in the Bible lessons so difficult that only a small percentage ac­tually wrote out the answers. So I am now sending out a mimeographed test paper for each lesson, with statements which students must complete by filling in the blanks. This is bringing a flood of replies, and makes the papers much easier to correct. With the first lesson we send a letter of instruction, the test paper, and a self-addressed envelope. As each test paper is filled in and returned to us, we correct it and mail it back to the student with the next lesson and test paper. Here are a few responses from recent mails :

"I know my Bible better and understand parts of the Bible which I never understood before."

"I wonder if you can realize how much these les­sons mean to people like us."

"I had grown somewhat cold in my Christian ex­perience, but now with new determination I am studying my Bible more than I ever studied it be­fore."

"After I finish my lessons, I take them to church Sunday morning and give them to my Sunday school teacher, and she is certainly enthusiastic over them."

"Many thanks. I like the lessons fine. They clear up things."

"I have been introduced to your course through one of your students, Mrs. —, and am very much interested. I am pastor of two Methodist churches, and would like to get my constituency interested in your course. Would you please enroll me as one of your students ? Also, could you send information regarding enrolling a class of say twelve to fifteen in your course? I believe they will be greatly bene­fited by the instruction. May the Lord bless the work you have undertaken."

We are just now launching the program of using a Bible worker to call on these hundreds of Bible study correspondence course students who live in the city of Wichita. We believe this will be a marvelous preparation for our coming spring effort. It is too early to predict what percentage of those who are taking the course will accept the truth, but we have already had the privilege of baptizing several.

Radiocasting's Golden Hour

Considerable experience with radio-casting the message in New York City leads me to feel that the growing interest in this field of endeavor is ushering in a new era in our work, as practically every American home has a radio. This fact provides a tre­mendous potentiality. Religion is fast becom­ing a radio headline feature. The times have created it, and we must capitalize on it.

A voice with a personality recommends the message, and we should seek to develop such. I recently used sections of "Steps to Christ" for my broadcast manuscripts. But all the pronouns were broadcast in the second person, so as to make each message from the book a more personal one to my listeners. During recent years, I have been broadcasting under various titles: "God Behind the Headlines," "The Advent Church of the Air," "Prophetic Headlines," and "Good News."

The message must always come first in our presentations. A few weeks ago I was re­buked by the station announcer. He said, "Mr. Heald, give your listeners more holiness and less headlines." Surely our message is para­mount. I nearly always arrange to be intro­duced as "a minister of the Seventh-day Ad­ventist denomination." In any event we should be modest in the publicity. In the preparation of the broadcast manuscript, I always endeavor to have a program that recommends itself without much build-up. And for ten years I have never paid for time.

It has been a source of encouragement to me to learn of the details of the coast-to-coast hookup provision for Seventh-day Adventists. With the many Seventh-day Adventist speak­ers before the local microphones in our cities throughout the nation, we can so build up this national broadcast as to make our message felt in every American home. As is true of our conference organizations, the local stations will build up the national broadcast, and the na­tional broadcast will build up the local stations. We sincerely hope that the time is not far distant when the world's message of hope will be heard on every reception set in North America.

By BEAMAN T. SENECAL, Evangelist, Wichita, Kansas

By B. M. HEALD, Pastor, Staten Island Church, New York

March 1942

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Extensive Every-Night Evangelism Needed

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Facing the Modern Audience

The gen­eration to whom we now go with the message of truth for this hour has undergone a tragic change in thought and mental attitude toward those great fundamentals which gripped the minds of their forebears.

Adherence to Church Standards

In the light of the recent Autumn Council action adopting a uniform baptismal cer­tificate and summary of faith, it is well to restudy the 1941 General Conference action on "Adherence to Church Standards" and depre­cation of independent standards.

Some of Burma's Evangelistic Problems

A survey of mission problems, methods, and relationships.

Difficult Days for Missions

Meeting the demands of the task ahead.

Gathering Jewels for the Kingdom

A bible worker interchange.

The Greater Bible Work—No. III

Part eight of our look at the bible worker.

Junior Choir in Child Evangelism

Emphasizing child evangelism in the church.

Frank Admission Regarding Sunday

The reasons assigned for Sundaykeeping have been various and specious.

Making Progress Backward

Hope in a time of uncertainty.

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