How many texts should be used in a Bible reading? This question is often asked, and usually elicits interesting, if not positive discussion. Experienced Bible teachers have their own ideas on this matter, and their origin may often be traced to the example of those workers under whom they received their earlier training. But there are also teaching principles to guide us in our textual proportions, and it may be helpful to discuss this subject in THE MINISTRY.
The average Bible reading may be considered complete when about fifteen texts are used. We must remember that the student may not be used to finding verses in the different books of the Bible. At the beginning of his interest in the message this may appear to him to be an exercise of close application, perhaps even exciting a little confusion of thought. Later on when the interest has become more keen and the student more skilled in finding texts, the same reader may enter into an investigation of twenty to twenty-five texts without showing any strain or embarrassment. In the use of texts and their number, the ability and temperament of the student should receive consideration.
Where possible there is wisdom in grouping our textual points, so that in developing the study the reader will not need to become upset unnecessarily over his unfamiliarity with the books of the Bible. If we are able to group the texts into close proximity, time may be saved, and Bible confidence built up by the' learner. Logic would need to guide the teacher in the proper sequence, of course.
Bible Texts in Prophecy
Prophecy may require both narration and exposition. Daniel 2 is an example. Prophetic chapters need to be illuminated with facts from history, which in the hands of the skilled teacher become fascinatingly interesting to most people. In the study of prophecy more verses are usually reviewed, but the process need not become tedious, or the student too text conscious. The whole prophetic picture may be spread out before him without extensive leafing through other books of the Bible. A whole array of verses may then be clarified with satisfaction, and still keep the study confined to one hour.
To illuminate the study further, the use of visual aids is most helpful. Generally speaking, prophetic teaching requires more skill than doctrinal, because it calls for a most thorough preparation of historical data. No unusual skill is required in presenting logically a dozen texts on the return of Christ. Because of constant practice the teacher will soon memorize his textual presentation of the subject. But an intelligent, fluent exposition of prophecy is not so readily memorized. Historical facts require reviewing and mastering, so that the time element of the Bible reading is also guarded.
Texts in Preparing for Baptism
Just before baptism the heart of the truth seeker is wide open to impressions and is most hungry to know the whole truth. The reader is now exceedingly text conscious, and appreciates a plain "thus saith the Lord" for all his queries. Whereas in the earlier stages of the interest the instructor may have had to restrain proof texts, the way is now prepared for a thorough investigation of every text that sheds light on the subject. The time element of a Bible study has become a secondary matter to the new believer, for Bible study is now his chief concern. He usually sees a need for reviewing some phases of the new doctrines he has studied. Definite questions reveal his interest and earnestness. To limit the study to a dozen or fifteen texts at this stage might hazard progress. More evidence may be desired by the more enthusiastic type of reader.
Textual Patterns in The Ministry
There may be an occasional query about the rather free use of texts in some of the outline Bible studies printed in THE MINISTRY. The observant reader will have discovered much variety in these outlines, and that some studies lend themselves to more textual detail than others. THE MINISTRY is a professional journal serving trained gospel workers. Although a fuller array of texts provides more background for the doctrinal points under discussion, it would stand to reason that not all these need to be used in a Bible reading. These suggestive outlines are not intended for patterns, to suit every type of reader, but they are to furnish ideas for a textual discussion which may either be built up or trimmed down at the discretion of the teacher.
L. C. K.